  • 2. html
  • 2.3. Add/Modify Horizontal IP
Add/Modify Horizontal IP
These two related dialog boxes allow you to modify alignment with the keyboard. For mouse editing techniques see Interactive Operations.
Note: when a field is modified, all other fields are updated to reflect the change.
Add Horizontal IP
Allows you to add a new horizontal IP. Accessible from the Add New IP button in the Horizontal curve panel.
If the current IP is the last of the design, the default values will create a new tangent the same length and direction as the previous tangent. Otherwise, the default values will create an IP halfway between the current IP and the next IP. 
 Modify the values below to create the IP where you want it. 
Coordinate for the new IP. 
Coordinate for the new IP. 
Delta X
Distance from the current IP to the new IP in the X direction (usually Easting).
Delta Y
Distance from the current IP to the new IP in the Y direction (usually Northing).
Between the current IP and the new IP
H. Dist..
Distance from the current IP to the new IP.
Delta Az.
Change in azimuth from the previous unmodified tangent to the first new tangent. This is NOT the delta at the new IP.
Station of the new IP.
This field is not displayed if the previous IP is a curve.
When you press the OK button, the new IP is created immediately and all other windows are updated to show the new IP as the current IP.
Modify Horizontal IP
Allows you to modify the current Horizontal IP. Accessible from the Modify this IP button in the Horizontal curve panel.
Coordinate for the modified IP. 
Coordinate for the modified IP. 
Delta X
Distance from the previous IP to the modified IP in the X direction (usually Easting).
Delta Y
Distance from the previous IP to the modified IP in the Y direction (usually Northing).
Between the previous IP and the modified IP
H. Dist..
Distance from the previous IP to the modified IP.
Delta Az.
Change in azimuth from the previous unmodified tangent to the first modified tangent. This is NOT the delta at the modified IP.
Station of the modified IP.
This field is not displayed if the previous IP is a curve.
When you press the OK button, the Horizontal curve panel is updated to show the new X and Y. However, you still need to press the Apply button for the changes to take effect.