Label Selection and Formatting dialog
This dialog is used to add feature labels and to edit floating labels.  The dialog contains two tabs: the Label tab is for setting text properties and the Position tab is for positioning the text and leader line.
NOTE: Some of the following options may not be available for all Modules. 
If you are adding and editing feature labels, the listbox displays available labels. If you are adding and editing floating labels, the listbox contains the floating text. (Note: Floating Labels are only present in the Location and Terrain Modules)
Copy the format of a selected label class to the clip board.
Paste the label format on the clipboard to the selected label class.
Will retrieve system default label for the selected group. 
Set as Class Default Label Formatting 
If this checkbox is selected, the default label formatting for this label class (Station, Elevation etc.) will be set. 
Reset All Existing Point and Feature Formatting 
If this checkbox is selected all existing labels will be restored to the default.
The style combo box allows you to choose a pre-defined style.  When a selection is made in the combo box you will be prompted to apply the style to all label classes.
Styles can be added, updated and removed by clicking on the "+" button beside the Style combo box.  Creating a new style or updating an existing style will apply the current settings (for all label classes) to the style.  Label styles are saved in the file NORMAL.STL.
Applies changes to the active Window, without exiting the dialog.
Label Tab
You can control the size of characters by using the font size edit box. This field refers to font point size (72 points = 1 inch) when Fixed size in points is selected.  This field refers to the size of the text in project units when Variable size in project units is selected.
This option allows you to show or hide the text.
Font Button
The Font dialog allows you to control the following font attributes; Font, Font Style, Color and Size (for more information on available fonts refer to your Microsoft Windows Documentation). This option is label class specific and will not be available when editing individual labels or features.
If selected, text will be displayed with a transparent background.
Color Combo Box
Select the label color you require.
Minimum distance between labels
Select the minimum distance from one label to another. (e.g. Station occur at 0, 25,50, 75, and 100. If 0 is entered, all station labels will appear. If 50 is entered, only Station 0, 50 and 100 will appear).
This option allows you to change the number of decimals for certain labels.  Checking Default will use the current settings from the Unit Setup dialog.
This button allows you to change various options for the selected label class. This option is label class specific and will not be available when editing individual labels or features.
Position Tab
Text Group
Horizontal Offset
This is the distance the text will be placed from the base point.  If it is other than zero, the angle, reference and connector fields will be used.
This is the direction the text will be placed from the base point.
Absolute reference means the horizontal offset will be measured from the base point of the text. 
Feature reference means the horizontal offset will be measured from the feature associated with the text.  Floating label text has a single point feature associated with it that will be used if the reference is set to Feature.
Draws a line, circle or box along the length of the text.
Vertical Offset
Allows you to move the label up or down a specified distance.  It is measured in current character height units, so if it is set to one the offset will amount to the height of text being edited.
Allows you to justify the text on the base point, either left, right or middle.
Keep Upright
With this check box enabled, text will always be rotated so that it is readable.
Leader Group
Offset (mm)
This is the distance from the reference point to the base point on the text.  If it is zero, no leader will be drawn.
The angle measurement depends on the user selection of Left, Right and Absolute (in the Reference box). The following cases apply:
Angle Measurement
Clockwise from right perpendicular bisector
Clockwise from left perpendicular bisector
Clockwise from north
Clockwise from south
Absolute reference means the offset will be measured from the base point of the text. 
Feature reference means the offset will be measured from the feature associated with the text.  Floating label text has a single point feature associated with it that will be used if the reference is set to Feature.
Allows you to display the leader as a line, an arrow or not at all.
Left / Right
This will place the text on the left side or the right side of the current reference.  If the reference is set to Feature, the text will be placed depending on the direction of the points in the feature.  If the reference is absolute, the text will be placed left or right from north.
Attach to Border
If selected the leader will be extended at the Angle until the edge of the screen or rectangle border This allows labels to be automatically placed along the bottom or top of a window (left or right).