Grid Options dialog
The Grid Options dialog allows you to control the type and spacing of the window axis or grid.
The horizontal and vertical spacing can be controlled independently.
Major grid lines are always labeled whereas winor grid lines are not labeled.
Horizontal / Vertical Major
If enabled, either grid lines or an axis will be displayed.
Auto Spacing
If enabled, the grid spacing will be determined automatically. Disable this field if you wish to explicitly set the spacing.
The grid spacing in Project Units.
Horizontal / Vertical Minor
If enabled, either minor grid lines or tick marks will be displayed.
If enabled, the grid spacing will be determined automatically. Disable this field if you wish to explicitly set the number of minor lines per major.
Number per major
Enter the number of minor lines between majors.
These options apply to both horizontal and vertical major grids.
Grid lines
If this field is enabled, vertical and/or horizontal grid lines will be displayed across the screen.
This button pops up the Linetypes and Symbols dialog (which, in this case, does not include the options to configure symbols).
If this field is disabled, an axis with tick marks will be displayed.
Center Label
If enabled, the grid text will be vertically centered on top of the grid line.  Disable to have the grid text appear above the grid line.
Font Button
Activates the Font dialog enabling you to select the font for the grid text.
These options apply to both horizontal and vertical minor grids.
Grid lines
If this field is enabled, vertical and/or horizontal grid lines will be displayed across the screen. If this field is disabled, an axis with tick marks will be displayed.
This button pops up the Linetypes and Symbols dialog (which, in this case, does not include the options to configure symbols).
Draw Order
These options control the order in which the grid / axis is drawn relative to the other graphical elements in the window (e.g. alignments, surfaces, labels etc.). The option allows you to prevent grid lines from overdrawing other features in the window (by setting the draw arder to First).
Draw grid/axis before any other graphics.
Draw grid/axis after all other graphics.