Import ASCII Options dialog
This dialog is accessed through the File | Open and File-Insert File Menus. It appears when an ASCII file type is selected in the Files of Type Combobox. It can also be accessed by pressing the Options button in the Import Setup dialog when an ASCII file type is selected in the Format List box.
This tabbed dialog has the following property pages when accessed through the Import Setup dialog:
Import ASCII Structure Tab - allows you to specify the format of the ASCII file being read in.  This is where you tell the program the order of the fields in the file, such as X, Y, Z.
Import ASCII Codes Tab - allows you to specify how any feature codes are to be interpreted.  Using this effectively will allow you to automate the drafting of field survey files.  Here you can specify to draw a certain symbol at a particular point code, or draw particular features with a certain linetype.
Import ASCII Test Tab - allows you to preview the parameters you have setup.  If the fields aren't corresponding to their correct values, you can change back to the Structure tab to correct any mistakes prior to actually reading in the file.
When this dialog is accessed through the File Menu, it has these three additional tabs:
For more information about creating your own External Format Specification (EFS), see Importing ASCII Coordinate Data.