Rotate/Translate/Scale Dialog
This dialog allows you to rotate, scale and shift coordinates.
The rotation is specified by an origin (center point) x, y and an angle (measured counter-clockwise in degrees). If the origin is not near the center of a feature (a collection of points) then the feature will move in an arc about the origin as well as rotate.
Shift (offsets added)
The coordinate shift (translation) is specified by an Offset X, Offset Y and Offset Z. These offsets are added to each coordinate - an offset of zero has no effect.
Scale Factor (multiplier)
The scale factors allow you to change the size and/or shape of a feature (a collection of points). The scale factors are multiplied with each coordinate - a scale of 1.0 has no effect.  If the scale factors are all the same then the shape of the feature is not changed; different values for Scale X, Y or Z will distort a feature.
If the origin is not near the center of a feature  then the feature will move toward (Scale < 1.0) or away from (Scale > 1.0) the origin as well as shrinking or stretching.
NOTE: The rotation is done before the scale.  The shift operation is performed last.