Exporting Google Earth Files
The current Terrain file can be exported to Google Earth format using the File | Save As menu.
Files are saved in *.kmz format which is a compressed file.  For more information on the options available, see the Export Google Earth Options dialog .
Set up a Coordinate System before exporting to Google Earth:
To export in Google Earth format, you must be working in a known coordinate system such as UTM or State Plane Coordinates.  The export will not work if the current coordinate system is set to Undefined.  For more information on coordinate systems, see Coordinate Transformations.
The current coordinate system can be set on the Projection Setup dialog .
Using the Web Mapping Export button on the Command Ribbon
When exporting by way of the Web Mapping Export Button, your project needs a file name. Roadeng will generate a temporary file.  If your project does not have a file name, Roadeng will prompt you to save the project first. If your project does have a name, roadeng will generate the temporary Google Earth file in the same folder where the project was saved.
You will be prompted with the export options dialog . After you press Update Google Earth button, Google Earth will launch using the temporary file.
Exporting the Terrain as vectors:
Features will be exported as Line Geometry in Google Earth KML format.  Text and symbols are not exported at this time.  Background reference images such as geotiffs are exported as Ground Overlays.
Options include exporting all features in the Terrain file, or only selected features.
Exporting the Terrain as a bitmap screen capture:
The current Plan View window in Terrain will be exported as a Ground Overlay in Google Earth.  The extents of the Ground Overlay are the extents of the Plan View window, anything not visible in the Terrain window will be clipped off and excluded.
The window background color will be set transparent in the exported image.  All other visible Terrain features, including lines, symbols, text, background images, etc will be exported exactly as they appear in the Terrain window.
Point Feature Symbols:
Features with only one point or features with the Connected property turned off are exported as Point Features.  There are 2 types of placemarks available when exporting Point Features:
- Google Earth Style Placemarks.  These placemarks have standard symbols (Push-pin, Square, Flag etc) available.   They also can be sized using a Scale factor.
- Standard Placemarks.  These placemarks have a square indicating the point position. They can not be sized.