Projection Setup Dialog
This dialog is one of the tabs in the Module - Setup dialog (available in in every Module). In the Survey/Map Module, it is also accessible by way of the Traverse | Traverse Options menu item.  
The coordinate system set here is the current coordinate system for this document. For more information, see Coordinate Transformations.
Projection (combo box and "+" button)
Allows you to specify the coordinate system. The combo box dropdown contains a few common projections. Some of these projections require definition of a Datum and Zone (below). If you are unsure of what projection to use, choose Undefined, you can always set it later if you even need to. Softree does not recommend using Latitude/Longitude.
If the Projection you need is not in the list, press the button to popup the Edit Projection dialog box.
Datum (combo box )
Allows you to specify which datum coordinate system of the Terrain document is to use.
Zone (combo box )
Allows you to specify which zone to use.  This field is available depending on the projection set.
Units (combo box )
Set your desired units.
Lat-Long Display Properties
Only available when the dialog is accessed through Module - Setup.
The display properties setting is used by the Status Window and other reporting functions.  For information on the available formats, see Latitude - Longitude Formats.
The Display Angle Units checkbox will include the ° ' " symbols in the display of latitudes and longitudes.
The Decimals edit box allows you to set the number of digits to display after the decimal place.
Save As Default (button)
This will store the current projection settings for use in all new drawing files.