Exporting DWG/DXF/DGN Files
The current Terrain file can be exported to AutoCAD DWG or DXF format using the File | Save As menu. The Microstation DGN format is also available.
For more information on the options available, see Export CAD Options.
Entity Types
Connected features in Terrain are converted to either light-weight polylines or 3D polylines in AutoCAD .  Unconnected features are converted to points and associated together as a Group in AutoCAD.
Floating Labels are exported to simple text entities and the font is preserved.
Feature names are used to create layers in Terrain.  Layer definitions (Layers Table) are managed using Layers Setup
Exported features matching layers in the the Layers table will be exported into the corresponding layers in AUTOCAD.  Exported features with names not in the layers table will be exported to an AUTOCAD layer directly corresponding to the feature name.
Linetypes coming from Terrain are translated using the current AutoCAD Translation File to their matching AutoCAD linetypes.  Any linetypes being exported that are not listed in the Translation File are converted to AutoCAD format and given the same name with an "SFTR_" prefix.
Symbols are translated in the same way as linetypes are.  Any symbols being exported that are not listed in the Translation File are converted to AutoCAD format and given the same name with an "SFTR_" prefix.
Translation File
The Translation File is used to store all available linetypes and symbols for the current drawing, as well as storing a Translation Table which lists which linetypes and symbols are to be used instead of auto-generating linetypes and symbols.  For example, if you have a linetype in Terrain that doesn't auto-generate into AutoCAD very well, you can set up a matching to a particular AutoCAD linetype that you would like to use instead.
Colors in Terrain are converted to AutoCAD colors in a best fit method.  The final color in AutoCAD may not look the same as the one in Terrain because AutoCAD doesn't support the full range of RGB colors.  It only has a limited number of colors available, whereas Terrain is capable of using 16 million colors.