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(c) Softree Technical Systems, 2024
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The contents of 2. html
2.1. Horizontal Options
2.2. Optimizer Alignment Panel
2.3. Exporting DEM Files
2.4. Working with Cable
2.5. User Interface Reference
2.6. Minimum Deflection Given Load
2.7. Profile Window Cable Options Dialog
2.8. Analysis Parameters
2.9. Maximum Flying Load Given Clearance
2.10. Topography
2.11. Logging Systems Add Dialog
2.12. Tower and Tailhold Positions
2.13. D-line Data Window
2.14. Cable Analysis Overview
2.15. Logging Systems Dialog
2.16. Select Subwindows for Display Dialog
2.17. Cable Analysis Module
2.18. Edit Equipment Dialog
2.19. D-line Calculation Options Dialog
2.20. Cable Dialogs
2.21. Logging Systems
2.22. Deflection for Fixed Skyline Given Load
2.23. Creating a Logging System
2.24. D-line Data Options Dialog
2.25. Equipment
2.26. Types of Analysis
2.27. Simple Third Point Deflection
2.28. Cable Profile Window
2.29. Equipment Dialog
2.30. Analysis Requirements
2.31. D-line System Dialog
2.32. Logging Configurations
2.33. Windows
2.34. Calculations
2.35. Units
2.36. D-Line Explore Options Dialog
2.37. Contour Range Options dialog box
2.38. Contour Thinning Smoothing Options dialog box
2.39. Corridor Defaults Dialog
2.40. Add Fixed Cross Section
2.41. Corridor Surface Export Options
2.42. Corridor Surface Options
2.43. Corridor Surfaces
2.44. Credits
2.45. Importing CSX Cross Section files
2.46. Exporting DEM Files
2.47. License Dialog
2.48. License Dialog - Troubleshooting
2.49. D-Line Auto-Tailhold Options Dialog
2.50. Drive Through
2.51. Drive Through Options Dialog
2.52. Equipment Setup
2.53. Equipment Specification
2.54. Exporting DGN - Microstation Files
2.55. Add Fixed Cross Section
2.56. Filtering Region Dialog
2.57. Fixed Cross Sections
2.58. Add Fixed Cross Section
2.59. GPS Configuration Dialog
2.60. Horizontal Optimization Parameters
2.61. Optimizer Simplified Cost Structure
2.62. Add Fixed Cross Section
2.63. Importing Google Earth Files
2.64. Importing LAS/LAZ LiDAR Files
2.65. IPD File Format
2.66. Import LAS/LAZ Options
2.67. Plan Window General Options Dialog
2.68. Edit - Read Terrain(s)
2.69. Surface Intersections and Percent Calculations
2.70. Fixed Segment Picture
2.71. Curve Items Diagram
2.72. Location Attributes
2.73. Location Attribute Properties
2.74. Add Fixed Cross Section
2.75. Choose Layer
2.76. Component Connection Dialog
2.77. Component Connection Dialog
2.78. Component Parameters Dialog
2.79. Template Materials
2.80. Plan Shading Options
2.81. Location Insert File
2.82. New Horizontal Alignment
2.83. Ascii Export Options Dialog
2.84. Roadway Materials
2.85. Fixed Section Volume Calculations
2.86. Custom Label Options Dialog
2.87. Multi-Plot CAD Options
2.88. Multiple Horizontal Alignments (MHA)
2.89. Vertical Processing
2.90. Optimizer Reporting Fields
2.91. Plan Cable Display Options Dialog
2.92. Optimizer Re-Cost
2.93. RockCut_CL.htm*DREX_CHM
2.94. Rock Height Calculations
2.95. Maximum Section Points
2.96. Selection dialog
2.97. Select Option Dialog
2.98. Setup Elevation Column
2.99. Softree
2.100. GPS Connect Dialog
2.101. Polyline to Alignment With Curves
2.102. Simplify Point Surface Data Dialog
2.103. Smart Curves
2.104. Stn/Offset Import Options
2.105. Importing Station/Offset Files
2.106. Custom Label Options Dialog
2.107. Custom Label Options Dialog
2.108. Station Equations Dialog
2.109. Ground Layers Dialog
2.110. Field Reference Column
2.111. Traverse Window Columns Dialog
2.112. Create New Column Dialog
2.113. Edit Existing Column Dialog
2.114. Pick List Options Dialog
2.115. Station Column
2.116. Traverse Window Columns
2.117. Back Azimuth Column
2.118. Foreshot/Backshot Dialog
2.119. Fore Azimuth Column
2.120. Intermediate Foreshots (IFS)
2.121. X, Y, Z Columns
2.122. HT (Height of Target) Column
2.123. Side Shots
2.124. Moving Around in the Traverse Window
2.125. Multiple Document Interface
2.126. File | Save Traverse Screen Layout
2.127. Back Right Column
2.128. Horizontal Distance (HD) Column
2.129. HP 48 Traverse File Format
2.130. Traverse Documents
2.131. Station Index Column
2.132. Advanced Mode Options Dialog
2.133. Traverse | Remove Relative TA's
2.134. Save As DXF Export Dialog
2.135. Select Shot Type Dialog
2.136. Customizing the Traverse Window
2.137. Back Bearing Column
2.138. Survey Information Dialog
2.139. Slp.(%) Column
2.140. Map Documents
2.141. File | Save Map Screen Layout
2.142. Fore Bearing Column
2.143. Ground Type (GND) Column
2.144. File | Save As
2.145. Traverse Coordinate Adjustments
2.146. Registry Entries
2.147. Raima Error Messages
2.148. HI (Height of instrument) Column
2.149. Side Shot Data Mode Dialog
2.150. Total SD Column
2.151. Height of Instrument/Target Dialog
2.152. Traverse Entry Options Dialog
2.153. Magnetic Anomalies
2.154. Traverse | Current Field
2.155. Shot Type Column (Type)
2.156. Traverse | Traverse Options
2.157. Extended Side Shot Edit Dialog
2.158. Installed Files and Directories
2.159. Slope Distance (SD) Column
2.160. Slp.(degrees) Column
2.161. Creek Dialog
2.162. Elevation Change (dZ) Column
2.163. Zenith Column
2.164. Map | Adjustment
2.165. Polycorder Roads Traverse File Format
2.166. File | Retrieve Screen Layout
2.167. Traverse | Join to Existing Traverse
2.168. Fore Right Column
2.169. Ground Types
2.170. Compatibility with Previous Versions
2.171. SSL/SSR Columns
2.172. Coordinates at Station Dialog
2.173. Ground Layers by Range Dialog
2.174. Fore Grad Column
2.175. Distance Conversion Dialog
2.176. Map View Options Dialog
2.177. Back Grad Column
2.178. Customizing the Map Window
2.179. Label Control
2.180. Creek Column (CRK)
2.181. Updating or Installing from the Internet
2.182. Stratum Layers
2.183. Softree ASCII Traverse Files
2.184. Label Column
2.185. File | Open
2.186. Template Unit Conversion Dialog
2.187. Template Validation Options Dialgue
2.188. Exporting Regular Grid Files
2.189. Unit Setup Dialog
2.190. General Setup Dialog
2.191. Attributes Setup Dialog
2.192. Layers Setup Dialog
2.193. Import Setup
2.194. Export Setup
2.195. Terrain Setup
2.196. Import ASCII Options Dialog
2.197. Import DEM Options
2.198. Import Shapefile Options Dialog
2.199. Importing DEM Files
2.200. Export Shapefile Options Dialog
2.201. Import ASCII Structure Dialog
2.202. Import ASCII Codes Dialog
2.203. Import ASCII Test Dialog
2.204. Records Options Dialog
2.205. Feature Detection Method Dialog
2.206. Projection Transformation Dialog
2.207. Edit - Select Features - Invert Selection
2.208. Edit - Modify Selected Features - Coordinate Transform
2.209. Surface Display Options Dialog
2.210. TIN Shading Options Dialog
2.211. TIN Slope Vector Options Dialog
2.212. Features Window Options Dialog
2.213. Points Window Options Dialog
2.214. View - Active Window (3D) Options
2.215. View - Active Window (Features) Options
2.216. View - Active Window (Points) Options
2.217. NORMAL.IOP File
2.219. Working with Terrain
2.220. View - Zoom/Pan
2.221. Features Panel
2.222. Points Panel
2.223. 3D Window
2.224. View | New Window | Graphics
2.225. View | New Window | Text
2.226. Importing Arcview Shape Files
2.227. Importing Microsoft Excel Data
2.228. Exporting Data
2.229. Exporting Arcview Shape Files
2.230. Exporting ASCII Coordinate Files
2.231. Exporting DWG/DXF/DGN Files
2.232. Exporting Survey Traverse Files
2.233. Exporting Terrain Files
2.234. Attributes
2.235. Point Attributes
2.236. Feature Attributes
2.237. File Attributes
2.238. Adding and Editing Feature Labels
2.239. Edit - Modify Selected Features - Shift
2.240. Shift Dialog
2.241. Assign Dialog
2.242. 3D Sub-View Options Dialog
2.243. Cable Sub-View Options Dialog
2.244. Attribute Management Function Group
2.245. 3D Display Function Group
2.246. Image Adjustment Function Group
2.247. Coordinate Transformations Function Group
2.248. Import Extended Function Group
2.249. Export Extended Function Group
2.250. Export Image Options
2.251. Exporting Image Files
2.252. Texture Hatch Dialog
2.253. File Extensions Dialog
2.254. Importing Landxml Data
2.255. Import Landxml Options Dialog
2.256. Exporting Landxml Files
2.257. terr0102.htm*DREX_CHM
2.258. Importing Magellan GPS Data
2.259. Export Google Earth Options Dialog
2.260. Import GPS Device Options Dialog
2.261. Softree Product Update Dialog
2.262. File | Import GPS Waypoints
2.263. Exporting Google Earth Files
2.264. Displayed/Hidden Features
2.265. Edit - Modify Selected Features - Properties
2.266. Comment Text Dialog
2.267. Surface Properties
2.268. Volumes
2.269. Font Dialog
2.270. Multi-plot Output Sheet Generator Function Group
2.271. Edit - Terrain Modelling - Calculate Volumes/ Surf. Properties
2.272. Importing DWG/DXF Data
2.273. Plan Window General Options Dialog
2.274. Volume Calculation Dialog
2.275. Profile Sub-View Options Dialog
2.276. Feature Properties Dialog
2.277. Volume Calculation and Reporting Function Group
2.278. Edit - Modify Current Point - Comment
2.279. Intersected Features
2.280. Import Basic Function Group
2.281. Digitizing Function Group
2.282. Contouring
2.283. Edit - Select Features - By Boundary
2.284. Multi-Plot Sub-Views
2.285. Multi-Plot | Sub-View Options
2.286. Importing Terrain Files
2.287. Import Unit Survey Options
2.288. File | Insert File
2.289. Layout Files
2.290. Import Bitmap Options Dialog
2.291. Enhanced Mapping and Drafting Function Group
2.292. Feature Selection
2.293. Unit Survey Raw File Format
2.294. Importing Unit Survey
2.295. Edit - Terrain Modelling - Display Volume/Surf. Properties
2.296. Multi-Plot Options Dialog
2.297. Menu Customization Dialog
2.298. Export DWG/DXF/DGN Options Dialog
2.299. Parsing Records
2.300. Plan Sub-View Options Dialog
2.301. Layers
2.302. Area Property
2.303. Edit - Select Features
2.304. Cable Analysis Function Group
2.305. Features
2.306. Profile Window
2.307. Create Offset Features Dialog
2.308. EFS Overview
2.309. Edit - Select Features - By Layer
2.310. Select Features by Boundary Dialog
2.311. Overview
2.312. Select Features by Property Dialog
2.313. Multi-Plot Options
2.314. Terrain Calculation dialog box
2.315. Profile Window Function Group
2.316. Export Traverse Options Dialog
2.317. Edit - New Feature
2.318. Profile Drafting and Design Function Group
2.319. File | Save As
2.320. Terrain Modeling
2.321. Triangle Point Range Selection Dialog
2.322. Export Basic Function Group
2.323. Manipulating Bitmaps
2.324. At Current Feature
2.325. Screen Positioning and Scrolling
2.326. Elevation, Draped and Breakline Features
2.327. Edit - Modify Selected Features - Join
2.328. Importing ASCII Coordinate Data
2.329. Edit - Modify Selected Features - Shuffle Display Order
2.330. Status Window Options Dialog
2.331. Import Map Options Dialog
2.332. Edit - Modify Selected Features - Labels
2.333. Connected and Unconnected Features
2.334. Edit - Modify Selected Features - Duplicate
2.335. Edit - Select Features - By Range
2.336. Bitmap Features
2.337. Snap-to Grid Parameters Dialog
2.338. Profile Window Labels Dialog
2.339. Edit - Select Features - All
2.340. Adding and Editing Floating Labels
2.341. Importing Bitmap Image Data
2.342. Projected Intersected Features Dialog
2.343. Plan Window
2.344. Edit - Copy
2.345. NORMAL.LYR File
2.346. Edit - Modify Selected Features - Coordinates
2.347. Edit - Terrain Modelling - Calculate Terrain Model
2.348. Surface Generation and Contouring Function Group
2.349. Elevations Dialog
2.350. Module - Setup
2.351. File | Retrieve Screen Layout
2.352. Edit - Select Features - By Property
2.353. Background Terrains
2.354. ASCII Decimal Equivalents
2.355. File | Save Screen Layout
2.356. Window Types
2.357. Select Features by Layer Dialog
2.358. Edit - Modify Selected Features - Break
2.359. Mapping and Drafting
2.360. View - Active Window (Status) Options
2.361. Mapping and Drafting Function Group
2.362. Select Features by Name Dialog
2.363. Edit - Modify Selected Features - Linetypes/Symbols
2.365. Export ASCII Options Dialog
2.366. Compatibility with Previous Versions
2.367. Plan Window Labels Dialog
2.368. Edit - Select Features - By Name
2.369. Parsing Fields
2.370. Multi-Plot Window
2.371. Tracing with the Mouse
2.372. At Current Point
2.373. Importing Data
2.374. Breaklines
2.375. Terrain Sub-View Options Dialog
2.376. Drawing and Editing a Feature
2.377. Rectangle Sub-View Options Dialog
2.378. Files
2.379. Multi-Plot | Sub-View Options Dialog
2.380. Select Features by Range Dialog
2.381. Feature Properties Panel
2.382. Projected Features
2.383. Import DWG/DXF Options Dialog
2.384. File | Merge Multi-Plot Layout
2.385. Import Traverse Options Dialog
2.386. olume / Surf. Properties Reporting Dialog
2.387. Function Groups - Terrain
2.388. Including and Excluding Areas
2.389. View - Active Window (Profile) Options
2.390. Manipulating Features
2.391. Merging Multi-Plot Layouts
2.392. Rotate/Translate/Scale Dialog
2.393. View - Active Window (Plan) Options
2.394. Image Sub-View Options Dialog
2.395. Profile Window Options Dialog
2.396. Scale Bar Sub-View Options Dialog
2.397. Importing Traverse and Map Data
2.398. Linetypes, Symbols and Hatching
2.399. Edit - Modify Selected Features - Buffer
2.400. Feature Coordinates Dialog
2.401. Draped Profiles and TIN Points
2.402. Edit - Modify Selected Features - Move/Size
2.403. File | Open
2.404. Terrains Panel
2.405. Context Menu
2.406. Exporting Regular Grid Files
2.407. Export Regular Grid Export
2.408. HEC-RAS Export Dialog
2.409. Exporting GEO - Hec/Ras Files
2.410. Exporting OBJ - Mesh Data Files
2.411. Edit - Modify Selected Features - Shift
2.412. Shift Dialog
2.413. Export DGN Options Dialog
2.414. TIN Operations Dialog
2.415. User Defined Labels
2.416. Land XML - Invalid triangles
2.417. File | Save As