  • 2. html
  • 2.106. Custom Label Options Dialog
Shared Profile Sub-window Height Options
This dialog box changes the window height for the following classes of Profile Sub-window:
The height is shared; changing the height of one sub-window will change all displayed sub-windows in the above list.
This dialog is available from the Height button in the options for the above sub-window types (Material Display Options, Side Slope (SS) Options, Template Display Options).
Sub-window options are available in the Profile Window Options dialog; select an item in the Sub-windows list and then click on the Options button; a double click on the the list itself has the same effect. Sub-windows can be added and removed from the list with the Select button. You can also access options by right clicking or double clicking on an existing sub-window.
Height (edit box, droplist)
This value defines the height of the Profile sub-window.
If you choose height in characters (chars) the actual size can vary between screen and print or PDF. Use mm. or in. to make a reproducible Multi-Plot.