  • 2. html
  • 2.60. Horizontal Optimization Parameters
Horizontal Optimization
Horizontal Alignment Optimization (HOA) is an automated procedure which searchs for a lower cost horizontal alignment.
In order to apply HOA, the following are required:
Horizontal Optimization Parameters
Limits for Optimization
X Offset - horizontal extent in which the IPs can be moved.
Y Offset - vertical extent in which the IPs can be moved.
Min. Radius - minimum radius for all IPs. If not set the current radius will be used.
Orient Grid - If set, the limits will be set so they are oriented to match perpendicular to the alignment.
Perp Only - If set, the IP movement will be restricted to a single section perpendicular to the alignment.
Stopping Conditions
Max. Iterations - number of iterations to repeat while looking for an improvement.
Max. Time (min) - Maximum search time in minutes.
Parameters for Optimization (Advanced)
Final Mesh Size
Initial Mesh Size
Surfacing Cost - cost of road surfacing
Random - sampling method
Interpolation - if set interpolation is done before searching.(