The volume of material enclosed between the two surfaces is reported as either above A or below A. Eg. if Surface A is an excavation surface and Surface B is the original ground then Volume Above A is cut and Volume Below A is fill.
Surface A
This read only field contains the current Terrain.
Choosing either Original or Final in the combo box will report volumes as either cut or fill.
Choosing either Original or Final in the combo box will report volumes as either cut or fill.
Volumes Area
Volumes of cut and fill are reported in this area.
Volumes can be broken down by Boundary (Polygon) if Volumes and Surface Properties by Polygon is checked in the Volumes / Surface Properties dialog . The following additional information about Surface A is reported when Volumes and surface properties by polygon is selected:
Surf. Area (A) - surface area (3D) of the polygon based on Surface A.
Av. Slope (A) - average slope (magnitude) of the polygon based on Surface A.
Av. Slope Dir (A) - average slope direction of the polygon based on Surface A.
Volumes are reported in cubic meters if the Project Units are meters and in cubic yards if the Project Units are set to feet.
Copy to Clipboard
Copies the volumes to the Windows Clipboard from where it can be Pasted in other applications such as MS Excel or MS Word.
Apply Expansion Factors
If selected, factors (multipliers) are applied to the cut and fill volumes for reporting.