A new point can be added at either end of the current feature.
Edit Point
Existing points can be moved by left mouse clicking to capture them. Move the cross to a new position and click a second time to re-anchor the point. This cursor appears when the Insert Points cursor is hovering over a the current point.
Edit Feature
A new point can be inserted in between existing points of the current feature. Click once to create a new point, then move the cross to a desired position and click a second time to anchor the point. This cursor appears when the Insert Points cursor is hovering over the current feature.
A feature can be selected by left mouse clicking on it. Multiple features can be selected by clicking and dragging the rectangle that appears over them.
Select Point
This cursor appears when the Select Feature(s) cursor is hovering over an existing point. A left mouse click will select the point.
Floating Labels can be added to the profile or plan window by left clicking the mouse.
Edit Label
Labels can be edited by double clicking on them. This cursor appears when the Enter Label cursor is hovering above an existing label.
To switch between interactive modes, use the Edit - Tool Selection Menu, Mode Tools on the Toolbar, or click the right mouse button anywhere in the Profile or Plan Window and choose from the following items in the Context Menu: Select With Mouse, Edit/Insert Points with Mouse, Edit Labels with Mouse.
NOTE: It is possible to temporarily activate the Select Feature(s)/Point Mode by pressing and holding the <CTRL> key while operating in the other Feature Modes.