Select Features by Range dialog
This dialog allows you to select features which match the specified coordinate range.
This dialog box is accessed from the Edit - Select Features - by Range menu.
NOTE: Leaving the Minimum/Maximum fields empty implies that there is no minimum or maximum.
X Range
All Checkbox
If checked, no selection is done by x-coordinate.
If any x-coordinates falls outside this range the feature is not selected.
Y Range
All Checkbox
If checked, no selection is done by y-coordinate.
If any y-coordinates falls outside this range the feature is not selected.
Z Range
All Checkbox
If checked, no selection is done by z-coordinate.
If any z-coordinates falls outside this range the feature is not selected.
Other Options
Select features partially in range
If selected, linear features which are either partially or completely inside the range will be included.
Retain currently selected features
If checked, any existing selected features will remain selected.
Include hidden features
If this option is selected, hidden features which are cross over inside the range will be included.