Adding and Editing Floating Labels
To Add a Floating Label Using the Mouse:
1. Activate the Plan (or Profile) window by clicking on the title bar.
2. Select menu Home | Tool Selection | Edit Labels with Mouse. Alternately you can switch to Edit Label Mode by clicking the button on the Mode Toolbar.
3. The cursor should be in the shape of a pencil with the characters ABC:
4. Move the cursor into the middle of the plan (or profile) window and left click the mouse. The Label Selection and Formatting dialog will appear. Type in the text you desire and press OK.
5. The text will appear in the plan (or profile) window.
To Change the Text of a Floating Label or Comment:
1. Select the label you wish to change (see above).
2. Double Click on the label when the move cursor is active. The Label Selection and Formatting dialog will appear. If the label you have selected is a Floating Label or a comment you may change the the text.
To Move or Rotate a Label:
1. A selected label will appear with 2 handles (small square boxes). When you move the cursor over the label its shape will change to a 4 sided arrow
2. When the move cursor is active, click and drag. The label will be repositioned. Note the anchor point will remain fixed.
3. When a label is selected and the cursor is moved over the orientation handle the cursor changes shape to the orientation cursor (semi circle with 2 arrows)
Click and drag when the orientation cursor is active. You will notice the label will be rotated and offset from the the position handle.