Screen Positioning and Scrolling
There are several functions in Terrain which will help you to move around in the Plan and Profile windows.
Keyboard Functions
<Pg Up>
<Pg Down>
<shift Pg Up>
<shift Pg Down>
<shift-arrow keys>
<shift TAB>
scroll up one page
scroll down one page
scroll left one page
scroll right one page
small incremental scroll
changes current feature to next
changes current feature to previous
changes current point to previous
changes current point to next
    Figure 1. Zoom Toolbar
The following magnification functions are provided in Terrain for zooming in the Graphics Windows:
These functions can be accessed either through the View - Zoom/Pan menu or through their tool bar buttons.
Note: the middle and/or roller mouse buttons have dedicated Zoom/Pan functions. The roller zooms while middle mouse click and drag pans (the roller is a button too). Some mouse software will override these functions.