Feature Properties dialog
The dialog allows you to set the properties of a feature. It is accessed from either the Edit - New Feature menu or the Edit - Modify Selected Features - Properties menu.
Enter the feature name or select a layer name from the list. If another feature exists with the same name, a unique sub-ID is automatically determined.
Displayed Checkbox
Check this option if feature is to be displayed.
Connected Checkbox
Check this option if feature is connected.
Elevations Checkbox
Check this option if the feature has elevations.
Modelled Checkbox
Check this option to include the feature in the TIN model.  If the feature does not have elevations, it will become a draped feature .
Breakline Checkbox
This item will only be available if the feature has elevations and modelled is checked. Check this option if the feature is a breakline.
Negative Checkbox
Check this option to set the Area Property for the feature.  If a feature is negative its area will be subtracted when total areas are reported.
TIN Boundary Checkbox
Check this option to use the feature to limit the TIN.  The feature should be a polygon. Triangles with their centerpoint outside this polygon will be excluded from the TIN.
Surf/Vol Boundary Checkbox
Check this option to use the feature to delineate an area within which surface area and average slope will be calculated.  Also used to limit volume calculations.  Volumes inside this boundary will be reported separately.
3D Facet Checkbox
Check this option to use the feature to delineate a feature which is a planer facet (closed polygon lying in a 3D plane).
Create Using
This section will be available only when this dialog is accessed from the Edit - New Feature menu.
This button will activate the Edit Points mode, allowing you to create new features or edit existing features with the mouse. It also pops-up the Elevations dialog.
This button will pop-up the Feature Coordinates dialog, allowing you to type in coordinates of a new feature.