Plan Window General Options dialog
The Plan Window Options dialog is accessed through the View - Active Window (Plan) Options Menu which is available when the Plan Window is active.
The Surface Display Options Dialog is available as a tab on the Plan Window Options dialog only when there is a Terrain Model open.
The following options are available.
Enter the natural scale. For more information see Project Units and Scales.
Enter the plan rotation angle in degrees (counterclockwise).
Fixed Window (check Box)
If selected, the title bar and border will be removed and the plan window position will be fixed. This style will optimize screen space.  Note:  This option is only available when the Plan Window is not maximized.
Scroll Bars (check Box)
If selected, scroll bars will be placed on the right hand side and at the bottom of the plan window allowing the user to shift the view with the mouse.
North Arrow (check Box)
If enabled, a north arrow is displayed.
Labels (check Box)
If this check box is enabled, the Plan Window Labels dialog will be added as a tab in the Plan Window Options dialog. The font size and position of these labels can be controlled.
Symbols and Linetypes (check Box)
If this check box is enabled, the feature symbols, linetypes and hatching will be displayed. Turning off these items can significantly improve display speeds.
Cable analysis (check box, button)
If this check box is enabled, any d-line features will display graphics to indicate clearance. Press the "+" button to open the Plan Cable Display Options dialog.
Snap to point/line (check Box)
If this checkbox is selected, when a new point is created or an existing point is edited the nearest point or line segment on an adjacent feature is selected provided that it is within a minimum distance(2 mm.) .
Snap to grid (check Box)
If this checkbox is selected, when a new point is created or an existing point is edited the cursor is positioned on the nearest grid node. The spacing and display of the grid can be controlled in the Snap-to Grid Parameters dialog which is accessed by clicking on the "+" button beside the Snap to grid check box
Background (check Box)
If this check box is enabled, background display (additional terrain files) will be enabled. Access to the Background Options is available by clicking on the "+" to the right.
Grid (check Box)
Allows you to control the format and display of grid lines in the plan window. See Grid Options dialog for more information.
Tin Points (check Box)
If selected, TIN points will be displayed at triangle crossing points for draped features.