Records Options dialog
This dialog is accessible from the Import ASCII Structure dialog, by pressing the Records button.
Record Delimiter
The combo box and associated edit box allow you to specify the characters which delimit records. In most ASCII files, records are lines of text and the delimiter is the carriage return/line feed (CR/LF) at the end of each line (as seen in a text editor like Notepad).
Select one of the entries in the Delimiter(s) combo box or enter the ASCII decimal equivalent numbers (separated by commas) in the Decimal Value(s) edit box. This can be useful when the file you are importing doesn't have carriage returns at the end of each line.
Record Selection
This allows you to filter which records you want to import from the ASCII file. Note that this can also be done in the Codes Tab by setting the "Skip" item. 
All (recommended)
All records in the file are read and processed (except records whose Code is "Skipped" in the Codes Tab).
By Inclusion
Only those records which match the selected types are processed.
By Exclusion
Those records which match the selected types are not processed.  All other records are processed.
Record Type (Column)
Specify the column position for the Include/Exclude Type field. This field is only required if By inclusion or By exclusion is selected. Note that this column index may be different to the Code column defined in the Import ASCII Structure dialog.
Include (Exclude) Types
Enter the value of the record type field which, when matched, will signal that the record should be included or excluded.
NOTE: Blank lines are always ignored in the external file.