Side Slope (SS) Profile Sub-Window Options dialog
This dialog box applies to all the Profile sub-windows that display ground Side Slope (SS).
The options are shared; changing one sub-window will affect all displayed sub-windows in the above list.
Sub-window options are available in the Profile Window Options dialog; select an item in the Sub-windows list and then click on the Options button; a double click on the the list itself has the same effect. Sub-windows can be added and removed from the list with the Select button. You can also access options by right clicking or double clicking on an existing sub-window.
Minimum Spacing
Station distance between values (edit box)
If side slopes are spaced less than this value they will not be displayed. Whenever side shot points are not displayed because they are too closely spaced, the maximum slope (either + or -) will be displayed in this interval.
Height (button)
Opens the Shared Profile Sub-window Height dialog box.