Direction: limit the direction of material movement along the alignment.
Sidecast: allow disposal of material along the right-of-way.
Min. Fill: force a minimum fill depth at centre-line.
Full Bench: lower elevation to prevent any fill.
Min. Cut: force a minimum cut depth at centre-line.
Hor. ROW: limit the left and right Right Of Way.
Vert. ROW: limit the vertical Right Of Way.
The first two items (Direction and Sidecast) will also have an effect on Costs and Optimal Haul calculated during Re-Cost.
New Range
This group of controls allows you to specify the value of the constraint for a given station range. You must press Add/Edit to update the interval list.
To remove or shorten an interval, assign a different value with an intersecting range.
Value (varies)
Choose the value for your constraint or inactive if applicable.
From Stn., To Stn. (Edit Boxes)
Type in station ranges values. From Stn. ".." means start of alignment. To Stn. ".." means end of alignment.
Add/Edit (Button)
You must press Add/Edit to update interval list.
Ranges (List)
This list shows all the assignments. Note that adjacent assignments for the same value have been combined.
If you select an item in the list, the associated range and value will be shown in the New Range area above; you can then make appropriate changes and re-apply with the Add/Edit button.
Auto Generate (Button)
This button allows you to generate intervals automatically.