Select Features by Name dialog
The Select features by name dialog box allows you to add/remove feature(s) to/from the existing selection set. This can be very powerful if you want to select a group of features that don't share the same name. However, most selection operations will start with Un-Select All (if the initial number selected is not zero).
This dialog box allows you to select features using a list box. It is accessed from the Edit - Select Features by Name menu. Two modes (Simple and Advanced) are supported.
Options Available in Simple and Advanced Modes
Feature Names List Box
The Feature Names list box displays all features in the current Terrain. A check mark beside the feature name indicates that it is selected.
Hidden Checkbox
If this checkbox is selected, hidden features are included in the Feature Names List Box.
Displayed Checkbox
If this checkbox is selected, displayed features are included in the Feature Names List Box.
Select Button
Selects the highlighted item(s) in the Feature Names List Box. A check mark will appear beside the item after it is selected. NOTE: Holding the <Shift> key while left clicking in the list box will highlight multiple adjacent items. Clicking and dragging has the same functionality. Holding the <Ctrl> key while left clicking in the list box will highlight any item.
Un-Select Button
Un-selects the highlighted item(s) in the Feature Names List Box. NOTE: Holding the <Shift> key while left clicking in the list box will highlight multiple adjacent items. Clicking and dragging has the same functionality. Holding the <Ctrl> key while left clicking in the list box will highlight any item.
Select All
Selects all items in the Feature Names List Box.
Un-Select All
Un-selects all items in the Feature Names List Box.
This button changes the format of the dialog box from Advanced to Simple or vice-versa.
Options available in Advanced format only.
Select Matching Names
This field contains a matching expression. Enter a number or character in each field you wish to match. A "?" matches any single characters. A * will match any sequence of characters.
For Example ?ABC* will match.
it will not match
Minimum numeric ID
Select features whose numeric id is greater than this value.
Maximum numeric ID
Select features whose numeric id is less than this value.
Predefined Layers
This combo box allows you to select matching expressions from a predefined list.
+ Button
Pressing the + button will activate the Layers Setup dialog.
Select Button
Will select all features matching the current expression.
Un-Select Button
Un-Select all features matching the current expression.