Import Landxml Surface Options dialog
This dialog allows you to choose a landxml surface to be read into a terrain.  It is accessible from File | New by choosing Landxml as a file type.
Select the surface to import.  All available surfaces will be displayed in the dropdown combo box.  If there are no surfaces available, 'None' will be displayed.
During the conversion from LandXML surface format the TIN model is checked to make sure all the triangles are valid. Some examples of invalid triangles are.
    - coincident (or near coincident) points
    - co-linear (or near co-linear) points
    - crossing triangles
If invalid triangles are detected, the user is prompted to "repair" them.  The repair process will remove the offending triangles and then re-triangulate (maintaining the original triangle structure by using the sides as breaklines).  If the repair process fails the surface will not be imported.  Check the documentation of the software which produced the LandXML file.
NOTE: One possible cause of invalid triangles is insufficient decimal precision in the LandXML file.  Export from Softree to LandXML is always done to full double precision.