AI for Preliminary Road Design ​​​​

Path Explorer AI: Powerful Route Exploration for Road Design

Rapidly explore feasible road locations between point A & point B that are optimized to minimize earthwork costs.

  • Quick & easy preliminary road location to find optimized routes between A & B
  • Minimizes earthwork and surfacing costs
  • Meets constraints like max grade, side slope, max cut / fill, no-go zones, high-cost zones
  • Yields Optimized Alignment options in minutes

Path Explorer AI is part of the Softree Optimal (earthwork optimization) licensing, and is an add-on to RoadEng software.

  • Learn more about the RoadEng functions here
  • Learn more about the optimization functions here.

Rapidly explore feasible road & corridor locations between point A & point B, optimized to minimize earthwork costs.
Path Explorer AI is part of the Softree Optimal (earthwork optimization) licensing, and is an add-on to RoadEng software.

Ideal for Greenfield Corridor Projects

Path Explorer AI is ideally suited to greenfield corridor projects, leveraging large dataset (ie. LiDAR, UAV, DEM).  It is also suitable for major realignments. 

Path Explorer considers road-specific constraints, and optimizes for earthworks. Compared to other GIS-based software, Path Explorer leverages the terrain as a TIN model, and generates 3D alignments (in polyline format).

Leverage Construction Zones to Control Path Explorer

Construction Zone parameters can be used to determine costs and constraints spatially. Zones include: no-go polygons, no-go polylines, polgyons, and polylines.

Typical uses include wetlands (image), streams, environmentally sensitive areas, geotechnically sensitive areas, project right-of-way. 

Road Design Ai - Wetland Example

Ideal for Preliminary Wind Farm Road Layout

Include turbine locations as your A-B points. Then quickly explore potential road locations for your wind farm road network, accounting for constraints like max grade,  min cut / max fill, no-go zones, high-cost zones, and crossing costs. 

Part of a Complete Road Design Workflow

Path Explorer AI is an ideal starting point for a preliminary road project. Select your prefered options and turn them into full geometric road designs using RoadEng's Location Module.