Working with Mass Haul and OptiHaul Volumes

Mar 14, 2018

Working with Mass Haul and OptiHaul Volumes
RoadEng includes unique volume reporting / balancing feature: the OptiHaul Graph!

A traditional mass haul graph does not balance by material. Cut quantities are well defined but fill is ambiguous. Since the origin of the fill (and fill composition) is unknown, arbitrary expansion/compaction factors must be applied. For example, consider a road with solid rock (SR) and gravel (GR) excavation (SR expands, while GR compacts, when used as fill). Depending on the designer's choice of fill material (GR, SR or some fixed proportion), the volumes may be under or over compacted.

Using OptiHaul volumes in RoadEng avoids this problem by calculating the materials to be used for fill. The designer often specifies a quality of fill material and OptiHaul chooses the material type based on availability and cost. OptiHaul ensures that each material is balanced and that material is moved in the most efficient manner. Excesses or deficits of materials (overflow, underflow) are reported by material, and can be addressed by adding borrow/waste pits, adjusting the alignment or changing material assignments.

NOTE: In general, using OptiHaul Volumes are more accurate but a "re-cost" calculation is required each time the design is changed. There is no advantage to using OptiHaul volumes, if you only have one material.

