Sep 2, 2016
2016 TAC Conference
Softree is going to the 2016 TAC Conference in Toronto. We’ll be at the exhibition showing governments, consultants, and other TAC delegates how Softree Optimal can save construction dollars and engineering time.
If you’re in town for the conference, make sure you come by our booth to say hi!
Apr 11, 2016
2016 NACE Conference
Softree will be attending the Annual Conference for the National Association of County Engineers in Tacoma, WA April 24-25th, 2016.
RoadEng is used by hundreds of county engineers, so it will be great to connect with many of them at the conference. It will also be a good opportunity to demonstrate RoadEng to those county engineers who do not use our software, as well as to introduce our newest technology, Softree Optimal.
Mar 21, 2016
2016 Tri-Party Conference
We’d like to extend our thanks to everyone who made the 19th Annual Tri-Party Conference in Red Deer, March 21-22, a success. It was great to see old friends, make new connections, and demonstrate our newest technology, Softree Optimal.
Feb 22, 2016
2016 BC Forestry Conference
Softree will be attending the 68th ABCFP Forestry Conference in Vancouver, BC this week: Feb 24th-26th, 2016. If you're in town for the conference, come by our booth and say hi!
Dec 1, 2015
2015 Iowa County Engineers' Conference
Softree Technical Systems will be attending the 2015 Iowa County Engineers Conference, December 7-10, 2015.
Softree will be demonstrating Softree Optimal at their booth and will focus on its benefits to county road design.
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