Featuring TruPulse Compatibility and GPS Intregration
Version 8 offers some game-changing features for field-based forestry operations. “Forestry has always been a ‘boots on the ground’ type of industry,” said Jack Rimac, Senior Applications Engineer at Softree, “I’m happy to say that our new Version 8 really has some big improvements for those of our customers who spend a lot of time in the field.”
Did you know that RoadEng 8 connects to a TruPulse Laser Ragefinder via Bluetooth?
Laser rangefinders are used in the field to determine distances of objects and take survey notes. RoadEng 8 allows you to do this seamlessly by connecting to your rangefinder via Bluetooth and importing data instantly to the Survey/Map module. Just pair the device with your computer (or Window's 10 tablet) and you’ll be able to enter your survey notes using the laser rangefinder.
CLICK HERE for step-by-step instructions on how to pair and set up your device.
RoadEng 8 is also compatible with GPS!
See your location with respect to your design, in the field, in real-time. GPS integration means users can track their location in the field while visualizing their LiDAR data, or even a complete engineering design. This makes visualization and field verification easier than ever before.
“The benefits range from design and pre-construction planning, through to R/W layout, construction and post construction,” according to Les Higgs, Provincial Engineering Systems Specialist with the BC Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development. “No need to make Geo-referenced PDF maps, just take the actual design right to the field.”
CLICK HERE for a webinar on GPS functionality in RoadEng.