Image Sub-View Options dialog
This function can be accessed from menu Multi-Plot | Sub-View Options or by double clicking on the Sub-View.
Image files can be either BMP, JPG or TIF format.
Image File Name
Enter the full path name of the image file or press the Browse button to use the standard Windows File Open dialog to find the image file.
Browse Button
Activates the standard Windows File Open dialog allowing you to find your image file in the directory structure.
Bounding Rectangle
Toggle this option to have a border drawn around the image.  Use the plus button next to Bounding Rectangle to adjust the boundary linetype.
Draw to Screen
If selected the image is drawn to the screen. If you wish to speed up the multi-plot display on the screen you can turn this off.
Stretch to Fit Window Check Box
If this item is selected the image will be stretched to fit exactly in the Sub-View window. This will distort the aspect ratio (ratio of length to width).