Rectangle Sub-View Options dialog
This function can be accessed from menu Multi-Plot | Sub-View Options or by double clicking on the Sub-View.
The Rectangle Sub-View Options dialog allows you to control the text information appearing in a rectangle. 
Text Type
The Text Type drop down list allows you to select one of the following text items:
User Defined
Print Date
Traverse File Name
Design File Name
Profile Scales
Plan Scale
Section Scale
Page X of N
Page Number
First Page
Last Page
Total Pages
Start Station
End Station
Topo Terrain File
If you select User Defined, the edit box provided allows you to enter the required text. Note: text can consist of several lines if you insert carriage returns (Enter key).
If you select one of the automatic text items, the edit box displays the current value. Note that although you can't edit this text, you can select and copy to the clipboard with Ctrl-C or a right click.
Align Text
Horizontal and Vertical
Allows you to align the text horizontally and vertically within the rectangle.
Row Height
This parameter allows you to set the height of rows in the rectangle. If Auto is set the row height will be determined by the character font size.
Wrap Text
If checked, long lines are broken to fit in the rectangle.
Rotates the text 90 degrees counter-clockwise.
Font Controls
Allows you to select the font type and size for the Rectangle text. The Multi-Plot Options dialog Font global controls will not override fonts or font sizes specified by this option.
Get Default Font
Resets the selected font to what was selected in the Multi-Plot Options dialog.
Common Sub-View Options
Draw to screen
This check box enables and disables the drawing of the rectangle contents to the screen. Disabling the drawing can speed up the frequent screen refreshes caused by typical operations to set up a Multi-Plot sheet.
If selected, the background for the entire rectangle will be transparent. Conversely if not selected the entire rectangle background will be opaque (white).
Bounding rectangle
This option enables and disables the display of the rectangle's boundary when plotting. Clicking on the plus button (+) allows you to change the line type and color of the bounding rectangle.
Row Dividers
If selected, the rows of text will be divided by horizontal lines.