Feature Selection
Selected Features
It is possible to select and manipulate multiple features and floating labels. Selection can be done using the mouse or using menu items, both of these methods are described below. Feature selection will generally affect the Current Feature and Current Point.
Selecting Features Using the Mouse
To select a group of features using the mouse:
1) Choose menu Home | Tool Selection | Select with Mouse. The selection cursor will appear
2) Left click and drag (click the left mouse button and while its depressed move the mouse forming a rectangle).
3) When you release the left mouse button, any features (including floating labels) which fall inside the rectangle will be selected.
To remove one or more features from the selected set:
1) Choose menu Home | Tool Selection | Select with Mouse. The selection cursor will appear
2) With the <Shift> key depressed, left click and drag (click the left mouse button and while its depressed move the mouse forming a rectangle).
3) When you release the left mouse button, any features (including floating labels) which are selected will be un-selected.
To remove all features from selected set:
1) Choose menu Home | Tool Selection | Select with Mouse. The selection cursor will appear
2) Click on a point outside all features.
Selecting Features Using Menus
The following menu items allow you to select/un-select features: