Layout Files
It is possible to save window attributes (position, size, options and label formatting etc.) in a screen layout file. A screen layout file can be set up and retrieved for a particular design or plotting task.
NOTE: The use of screen layout files will save you a significant amount of time.
Several standard screen layout files are provided with the TERRAIN module. Try retrieving the standard screen layout files to see how they can rapidly change the way in which you view your terrain data. (See File | Retrieve Screen Layout) These files have been designed to accommodate most standard applications
The current screen layout will be automatically stored when a Terrain is saved. It can also be stored in a separate screen layout file for later use. (See File | Save Screen Layout) When a new Terrain is created, the default screen layout (NORMAL.ILT) is used. This screen layout (like the other standard files) can be modified and saved to suit your needs.
Screen layouts contain a tremendous amount of formatting information including: plot scales, label formatting and fonts, fonts multi-plot title block information, status window options, etc. You can create as many screen layouts as you need and you can copy them to all your computers to standardize the design process (they are stored in the parameters directory - C:\Program Files\Roadeng\ by default).
Tip for modifying commonly used Screen Layouts
When you save a Screen Layout, you are saving options, window positions, toolbars, line types and colors, etc. that are currently in use. To avoid disturbing a commonly used screen layout in unforeseen ways, follow the steps below:
1. Retrieve the screen layout of interest.
2. Modify options that are NOT the way you want them.
3. Immediately re-save the screen layout again.