3D Window Options dialog
The 3D Window Options dialog is accessed through the View - Active Window (3D) Options Menu which is available when the 3D Window is active.
Note: the viewing parameters can also be modified from the View - Zoom/Pan menu or the Zoom Tools on the toolbar, and a left mouse click and drag will change the viewing angle.  Try the left mouse click and drag to rotate, the mouse roller to zoom and middle mouse click and drag to pan).
Contents Tab
View List
The view list contains the current (Terrain or Location) and a list of background files. The display properties of each item in the list can be controled. The following properties can be set:
General Display Properties
Allows you to change the following items.
View Tab
The view that you see in the 3D Window is determined primarily by the viewing position (camera position) and what you are looking at (target position).
Manual control
You have full control of Camera and Target positions (see next sections). If you select one of the predefined camera and target positions below user control is disabled. If you then select Manual Control, the pre-defined settings are preserved, and you can modify them if desired.
Show Extents
The Camera and Target positions are set automatically to try and show the whole model. The target is the center of the model extents and the camera is above and to the south at a distance proportional to the largest horizontal dimension of the model.
View Current Point
The Camera and Target positions are set automatically. The target position is the current point so you can quickly change your view by changing the current point and or feature.  The camera position relative to the target is the same as for the Show Extents option above. 
If no feature is selected (no current point) this option is not available. 
Drive through / Fly by (along current feature)
The Camera and Target positions are set automatically. The camera position is above the current point and the target is in the direction of the current feature , which may be selected by using the mouse in the Plan Window. Going into the Drive through mode opens up the control dialog that allows users to adjust the driving experince.
If no feature is selected this option is not available. 
Camera Position
You can position the camera by using either coordinates or by using azimuth, inclination and slope distance. 
Easting / Northing / Elevation
These options are available when you choose Use Coordinates from the drop-down list.
Allows you to place the camera at the coordinate you specify.  By making the elevation of the camera higher than the elevation of the target you can get a bird's eye view of the model.
Azimuth / Inclination / Distance (3D)
These options are available when you choose Implicit From Angles, Distance from the drop-down list.
Allows you to place the camera at a specific viewpoint, based on an azimuth and inclination to the Target Position.
Perspective Angle (0-180 deg.)
The perspective angle allows you to change the amount of zoom, but it does so without changing your camera position.  Increasing the perspective angle is similar to zoom minus, while decreasing the perspective angle is similar to zoom plus.
Use Current Point
Allows you to position the camera at the current point so you can quickly change your view by changing the current point and or feature. Only available when Use Coordinates is selected.
Use Forward Leg for Azimuth
This will automatically set the azimuth to be the same as the azimuth from the current point to the next point along the feature.  Only available when Implicit From Angles, Distance is selected.
Target Position
Easting / Northing / Elevation
These options are available when you choose Use Coordinates from the drop-down list.
Allows you to place the target at the coordinate you specify.  By making the elevation of the target lower than the elevation of the camera you can get a bird's eye view of the model.
Azimuth / Inclination / Distance (3D)
These options are available when you choose Implicit From Angles, Distance from the drop-down list.
Allows you to place the target at a specific viewpoint, based on an azimuth and inclination from the Camera Position.
Use Current Point
Allows you to position the camera at the current point so you can quickly change your view by changing the current point and or feature..  Only available when Use Coordinates is selected.
Use Forward Leg for Azimuth
This will automatically set the azimuth to be the same as the azimuth from the current point to the next point along the feature.  Only available when Implicit From Angles, Distance is selected.
Light (sun) Position
Allows you to set the position of the light source.  By changing the azimuth and inclination of the light source, you can control the shading of the triangles.