More Legend Sub-View Options dialog
This dialog box is accessed from the Legend Sub-View Options dialog.
The Legend Sub-View is divided into a series of items, Each item contains a graphics area and a description area.
    Figure 1. Legend Items
The total width of each item is determined by the Column width (mm) field in the Legend Sub-View Options dialog. The relative positions of the Graphics and Description areas are determined by first positioning the graphics area. The Description is then positioned relative to the remaining area.
Graphics Area
The following fields control the position of the graphics area relative to the total Column Width.
Alignment List Box
Select either left or right.
Width (mm)
Enter the width of the graphics area in mm.
Offset (mm)
Enter the offset for the graphics area in mm. This offset is measured from the side the graphics area is aligned to (left or right).
Description Area
The following fields control the position of the description area relative to the column width after the graphics area has been sized.
Alignment List Box
Select either left, right or center.
Offset (mm)
Enter the offset for the Description area in mm. This offset is measured from the side the Description area is aligned to (left or right). The offset is ignored if the Description area is aligned to the center.
This option allows you to select the Font type and size for the Description.
This option enables the Linetypes dialog allowing you to select the color and Line type for the outside border around the legend. The border is only drawn if the Show Frame option is enabled in the Legend Sub-View Options dialog.
This option enables the Linetypes dialog allowing you to select the color and Line type for the grid lines separating legend items. The border is only drawn if the Show Grid option is enabled in the Legend Sub-View Options dialog.
Outside Margin (mm)
This field controls the margin between the border of the legend and the enclosing multi-plot Sub-View window.