Install Setup dialog
This dialog is the Install tab in the Module Setup dialog. It is common to all modules and is available in the Setup ribbon.
The Install Setup dialog allows you to change the language and view the two primary folders where this software is installed. One of these folders, the Defaults and Layouts folder, can be modified to a user specific location if desired.
User Interface language (drop list)
Use this control to change the language used. You will need to close and restart all Softree applications.
Executables Folder
The Executables Folder can only be changed by re-installing the software. This folder contains the executable binary files and other files that are only modified during a version update or repair install.
Defaults and Layouts Folder
This folder contains defaults and settings files (such as ground tables, template tables and import formats) as well as Screen Layout files accessible from the View ribbon. Use the Explore button to view the contents.
The Defaults and Layouts Folder can be changed by typing a new path or by using the Browse button. The change is committed with the Apply button.
The default location for this folder is C:\ProgramData\Softree\<product name><version>. For example, version 9 of RoadEng would install in C:\ProgramData\Softree\RoadEng9. This installation folder is common to all users of this computer (see Reset to Machine Default below). When you change this folder from the default value, you are creating a user specific Defaults and Layouts Folder stored in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER registry. It is OK for more than one user to share a Defaults and Layouts Folder.
Explore (button)
Press this button to open Windows File Explorer; this allows you to see the contents of Defaults and Layouts Folder.
You may want to back up these files or move them to the corresponding folder on another computer with Softree applications installed. Advanced users may want to edit the Softree.ini file found here. The branching Install folder contains installers downloaded by the automatic update function (Setup ribbon, Check for Updates).
Reset to Machine Default (button)
Press this button to reset the Defaults and Layouts Folder to the installed value (stored in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE registry).
It is not necessary to check Copy contents of old folder to new when you Apply this change. The default folder should already have all the required files and it is shared by other users of this machine.
Browse (button)
Press this button to open a Browse For Folder dialog box. After you choose or create a folder and press OK, the Defaults and Layouts Folder field will update to show your choice.
Copy contents of old folder to new (checkbox)
If this control is checked, then all files in the current Defaults and Layouts Folder will be copied into the new one when you press the Apply button. Sub-folders and their contents are not copied. If you are creating a new folder, this item must be checked; the software requires certain files to function (Softree.ini for example).
This control is only available if the Defaults and Layouts Folder field has been changed from the one currently stored in the registry.
Apply (button)
Press this button to commit your changes and update the registry. The OK button (which closes the Module Setup dialog) does not commit your changes - you must press the Apply button first.
If the operation fails you will be presented with error messages and the registry will not be updated.
This button is only available if the Defaults and Layouts Folder field has been changed from the one currently stored in the registry.
Reset (button)
Press this button reset to the Defaults and Layouts Folder to the value last Applied.
This button is only available if the Defaults and Layouts Folder field has been changed from the one currently stored in the registry.