Profile Curves Sub-window Options
The Profile sub-windows Curves Horizontal and Curves Vertical display a graphical representation of curves and tangents along with pre-defined numerical information. These options allow you to customise the dislplay.
This dialog is available from the Profile Window Options dialog; select the Curves Horizontal or Curves Vertical item in the Sub-windows list and then click on the Options button; a double click on the the list itself has the same effect. Sub-windows can be added and removed from the list with the Select button.
You can also access this dialog by right clicking or double clicking on an existing Curves sub-window.
Height (edit box, droplist)
This value defines the height of the Profile sub-window.
If you choose height in characters (chars) the actual size can vary between screen and print or PDF. Use mm. or in. to make a reproducible Multi-Plot.
Font (button, check box)
Allows you to change the text font and color. Clear the Transparent check box to hide linework behind the text. The size of font you choose here does not affect the Height above.
Curve Line type (button)
Set the type and color of the tangent/curve lines here.
Divider Line type (button)
Set the type and color of the vertical divider lines here.
Include Title (check box)
Clear this check box to remove the title from the top left of the sub-window.
Zero grade tolerance (%) (edit box)
Applies to Curves Vertical sub-window only. Tangents with an absolute grade less than this will display as a horizontal line.