There are several functions in Location which will help you to move around in the Plan and Profile windows.
The following Zoom/Pan functions are available in the Plan and Profile Windows only.
Zoom Double - magnifies the view by 200%, or reduces the scale by a factor of 2 (see Lock Scale button)
Zoom Half - magnifies the view by 50%, or increases the scale by a factor of 2 (see Lock Scale button)
Zoom In - allows you to create a zoom window using left mouse click and drag
End Zoom - resets magnification back to 100%
Zoom Extents - sets the view to the extents of the drawing
Pan - scrolls the view using left mouse click and drag
Scale ComboBox - allows you to select or type a scale for the view
Lock Scale - toggles between zooming by magnification or zooming by scale
These functions can be accessed either through the View | Zoom/Pan function or through their tool bar buttons:
Note: the middle and/or roller mouse buttons have dedicated Zoom/Pan functions. The roller zooms while middle mouse click and drag pans (the roller is a button too). Some mouse software will override these functions.
Moving Along the Design
In addition to the standard scroll bars, the following functions are provided for moving along your design.
Jump to Station (Ctrl-J)
User enters station required and LOCATION Jumps to specified station. User has option to update cross section and data windows.
Next Survey Station (Ctrl-N)
Moves cursor to next survey station in plan and profile windows. Scrolls screen if necessary. Cross section and data windows are not updated.
Previous Survey Station (Ctrl-B)
Moves cursor to previous survey station in plan and profile windows. Scrolls screen if necessary. Cross section and data windows are not updated.
Next Design Point (Shft-Ctrl-N)
Moves cursor to next design station (Plan, Profile or Report point) in plan and profile windows. Scrolls screen if necessary. Cross section and data windows are updated.
Previous Design Point (Shft-Ctrl-B)
Moves cursor to previous design station (Plan, Profile or Report point) in plan and profile windows. Scrolls screen if necessary. Cross section and data windows are updated.