Export Regular Grid Options dialog
Grid Layout
Grid origin point X and Y coordinate. These fields are disabled if Set from terrain extents is checked.
Width of the grid in X and Y directions. These fields are disabled if Set from terrain extents is checked.
Number of grid nodes in X and Y directions. These fields are disabled if Set from terrain extents is checked.
This calculated value shows the size of the grid cells in X and Y.
Z Values
This combobox allows you to determine how the Z values are calculated. The following options are avaliable:
Constant - Z is set to constant elevation.
Surface A - Z is determined from the Surface A TIN model.
Difference (A-B) - Z is set to the difference between Surface A TIN model and Surface B TIN model. The value is undefined if either A or B doesn't exist.
Minimum (A,B) - Z is set to the minimum of A TIN model and B TIN model. If either A or B doesn't exist the result is determined to the Apply when combobox.
Maximum (A,B) - Z is set to the maximum of A TIN model and B TIN model. If either A or B doesn't exist the result is determined to the Apply when combobox.
Merge (A->B) - Z is set to A TIN model wherever it exists.
Merge (B->A) - Z is set to B TIN model wherever it exists.
The value associated with the Constant operation.
Apply when
This combobox allows you to control the output when either Surface A or B don't exist.
Is set to the current terrain file.
Defines terrain file B. This field is not for some Operations.
Save undefined values
If selected, the entire grid is saved.
Open file in a new window after it has been saved.
If selected, the file is opened in a new instance of Terrain.